09s6b! =D
Calling all Artemisians! The long anticipated faculty production,
Dramafeste 2009 is here! It will be held on the 5th (Thursday) and
6th (Friday) of March, in LT3, with 6th being the judging night.

Prizes up for grabs include:

„X Best director
„X Best ensemble
„X Best set design
„X Best actress/actor
„X Best supporting actress/actor
„X Best script
„X Best play

So come down to show your support for your COOL
BLUE FACULTY! Tickets are given out on a first come first
serve basis, with only 75 tickets for each night available. They are
priced at $6, so hurry grab them before they¡¥re gone!

Reply to this SMB message, selecting EITHER option A (Thursday),
option B (Friday). Do take note that each person is only entitled to
one choice due to the limited number of tickets! Reselecting of
options will result in you being lower in our priority list, so
choose wisely!

All ticket orders should be submitted by Sun, 1 Mar, 2359hr. The
finalised list of successful applicants for tickets will be
published on Mon.

Please pay either Sabrina (08S6D) or Hui Kuan (08S67) by Tue, 5pm.
Look for us at the 6D class bench (left wing) from 2.30pm onwards.
Payment after the deadline will result in the tickets being given to
the next person in the queue.

Remember, time waits for no man! :D

-Artemis Dramafeste Committee 2009

Must go support Lester, and the other ppl backstage!
We all go on Friday together as a class?

lionel =D

25 February 2009 @ 9:17 PM
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